10 Tips to Keep Pests OUT of Your South Jersey Home!

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It’s almost impossible for you to keep pests from getting into your South Jersey home completely. But that doesn’t mean you have to make it easy for them!

Here are 10 simple steps you can take to minimize pest threats in and around your home:

Ant Fly Carpet Beetle

Inside your home:

  1. Inspect grocery boxes, grocery bags, luggage and other packaging thoroughly to curb hitchhiking insects.
  2. Keep basements, attics and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry.
  3. Keep areas where you store garbage clean and dispose of trash regularly.
  4. Make sure vents are screened, chimneys are capped, and gaps around windows and doors are sealed.
  5. Repair leaky faucets and seal cracks and gaps around your home’s foundation.

Yellow Jacket, Bed Bug Cockroach

Outside your home:

  1. Keep gutters free of debris and make sure attic vents are in good condition.
  2. Eliminate any areas of standing water and clean up yard debris.
  3. Store firewood at least 20 feet away from your house and 5 inches off the ground.
  4. Replace damaged or broken roof shingles and weather stripping.
  5. Caulk around windows and doors.

Periodically doing a little home maintenance a few times a year will put pests in their place!

If your pest problem is more than you can handle give us a call!

AB-Con - The Bug Stops Here!

Serving South Jersey for over 40 years

Camden County, Burlington County and Gloucester County